Climate Arts
June 2020 Updates
The prevalence and persistence of Covid-19 means that the Climate Arts group cannot realistically organize either a live or online Climate Arts Festival in Cape Ann, in November 2020. We will work towards a Climate Arts Festival in 2021, date to be determined.
The Climate Arts group is open to suggestions of other arts-related ideas that help communicate the effects and possible solutions of climate change on Cape Ann. The climate emergency story of Cape Ann is one that still urgently needs to be told to Cape Ann residents and government officials. Art has a major role to play in creating an ongoing narrative on climate change. Looking forward to discussions on this topic with the Climate Arts group.
April 2020 Update
27 Feb 2020 Update
Development of Cape Ann Climate Arts Festival (11.28.2020) continues with the goal of encouraging Cape Ann artists (visual artists, musicians, storytellers, culinary artists and others) to see how they might awaken and inspire Climate Crisis action on Cape Ann.
- Developed Call for Artists, to be distributed to 1. Cape Ann cultural organizations and 2. individual artists.
- Developing Logo and Poster for Cape Ann Climate Arts Festival.
- Continuing to explore multiple festival partnerships
- Exploring funding possibilities with Massachusetts Cultural Council and others to help underwrite some Festival costs.