Cape Ann Climate Coalition
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
27 Feb 2020 Update
Green Carbon (land biomass)
- Rockport Selectmen considering our tree policy favorably
- Coordinating policy with Manchester advocates
- Will bring results to Gloucester tree warden
Blue Carbon (ocean biomass)
- Recognize potential for marsh and ocean sequestration
- Will propose moorings that do not scour eel grass
White Carbon (plastic waste)
- Some shrink-wrap for boats gets incinerated instead of recycled
- Identified appropriate local recyclers and notified municipalities
- Want to publicly demonstrate past and future high-water events
- Will propose marks on prominent poles or buildings
Preliminary Goals
- Increase tree planting by 25% in two years.
- Identify most efficient targets for reduction of waste.
- Get Department of Environmental Affairs to release the $2m.
Action Items
- Promote and pass the Tree Protection Policy in Rockport.
- What is Gloucester’s tree budget and do they have a Tree Warden?
- Find someone to represent Essex in our group.
- Promote and pass the Tree Protection Policy in Manchester.
- Schedule next group meeting after 12 December big meeting.
Meeting Dates
This group met on November 20th.