April 17, 2024 Newsletter
But once upon it
The yellow bonnets
Garland all the lawn
You were waking
Day was breaking
A panoply of song
“June Hymn”, The Decemberists
Earth Day approaches. Earth Week is upon us. We’re dwelling in Earth month. April allows us time to celebrate this majestical, magical, and revered place we call home. We started off April with a spectacular celestial event – the total eclipse of the sun with totality running across northern New England. Now, raise your eyes to the sky to see returning birds and insects swarming above you. Breathe in the fragrance of earth awakening. Drink deeply the pink of early blooming trees. Go ahead and smile at those daffodils. The greening of trees, shrubbery, and lawns is close at hand. The ocean is sparkling in the spring sun.
Spring’s hopefulness sends inspiring reinforcement to TownGreen’s work to make an impact on how we address the deepening climate crisis, especially how to consider nature-based solutions and face intersecting issues. Our programming this month reflects this direction. On Monday, April 22, Earth Day, TownGreen welcomes the rising sun on Good Harbor Beach. Later in the day, we will be at Gloucester City Hall with Mayor Verga and Gemma Wilkens to watch the Earth Flag rise up. In the evening, TownGreen will host a conversation about the hopefulness of taking climate action. We join other groups across Cape Ann who are offering programs for Earth Week like beach cleanups, webinars, talks, gatherings, plays, and field trips.
And it’s not just Cape Ann – other North Shore communities are similarly hard at work educating their communities on how to take climate action. Episode 5 of Nature Wins Podcast features three North Shore climate groups: Green Beverly, Sustainable Marblehead, and Hamilton/Wenham Climate Action Team. Tune in to learn more about what these groups are working on – and how we can learn from them.
There is a lot of work to do and we are all working hard doing it. Celebrate Earth Everyday. It’s a panoply of song.

TownGreen Webinar on Climate Anxiety

Episode 5 of Nature Wins Podcast Available on YouTube and Spotify.
An Evening withMelissa Hoffer

Take the Sawyer Free Library and TownGreen Sustainability Reading Challenge
TownGreen and Gloucester's Sawyer Free Library have teamed up for a Sustainability Reading Challenge based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Check out the books and resources available on the SFL website and sign up to win a Holy Cow ice cream gift card.

TownGreen Calendar
Saturday, April 20th
- Cape Ann Climate Coalition Interfaith Committee and the Annisquam Village Church present an Earth Day Beach Cleanup of Good Harbor Beach 2:00pm
- A Sustainable Feast II at Whale's Jaw in Rockport 5:00-9:00pm featuring speakers from Cape Ann Climate Coalition, Backyard Growers, SimmonsSTUDIO Architects, and Heat Smart Alliance. $25 at the door or make reservations.
Monday, April 22nd EARTH DAY
- Earth Day Rises: Meet the rising sun and greet Earth Day at sunrise. We will meet at the Good Harbor Beach footbridge at 5:45am
- Gloucester City Hall Welcomes Earth Day 5:00-7:00pm
- The Hopefulness of Climate Action featuring Maureen Aylward and Dick Prouty from TownGreen, includes a community engagement session 6:30-7:30pm at Annisquam Village Hall 35 Leonard Street. This is a free event.
Wednesday, April 24th 7:00-8:00pm
- Climate Empowerment Webinar
Personal Sustainability in Action: Addressing Climate Grief and Anxiety
Dr. Thomas Doherty, Psy.D, Psychologist and founder of Sustainable Self,will share positive ideas about personal growth and coping. Registration required
April 26-28
- Gloucester Stage Company presents Waters Rising Festival
“A Few Fun Facts About Greenland” by Maximilian Gill on Friday, April 26th. “Cincinnati by the Shore” by Hannah Vaughn on Saturday, April 27th. “If nobody does remarkable things” by Emma Gibson on Sunday, April 28th. All performances are at 7:00pm and $20 to attend. Festival passes are available for $50.
Sunday, April 28 10:30-11:30am
- Maureen Aylward, TownGreen executive director, speaks at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Rockport’s Earth Day service with a talk entitled “Dangerous Hope: An Entry Point to Engaging with the Climate Crisis”
Saturday, May 4 10:00-11:30am
- Field trip: Annisquam Woods Walk
This walk in the woods will provide 25 participants with a guided reflection on nature and to address the powerful emotions that people feel around climate change. We will meet in the parking lot of the Essex County Greenbelt property located on Hutchins Court in Gloucester (off Revere Street). Our guide will be Katherine Prum. This event is co-sponsored by Cape Ann Trail Stewards. Webinar participants will be sent a code to register starting on April 25th.
Friday, May 10 2024 3:00pm
- Field Trip: Burnham’s Field Pollinator Garden Tour with artists Kim Radochia. Meet at Burnham’s Field in Gloucester (9 Sargent Street)
Wednesday May 29 2024 6:00-7:00pm
- TownGreen presents An Evening with Melissa Hoffer, Massachusetts Climate Chief Shalin Liu Performance Center in Rockport. This event is free, but registration is required.
Saturday, July 13; rain date July 14
- Kayak for Climate: TownGreen Fundraiser 11:30-2:00pm
North Shore Kayaking will sponsor a TownGreen fundraiser to bring kayakers out to see climate impacts around Rockport. $70 per person that includes a kayak, two-hour tour, and snack; participants who bring their own kayak price is $35. Sign up here.