November 2022

TownGreen Webinar on Good Harbor Beach Ecosystem Adaptation is November 30th.

TownGreen GHBE Adaptation Webinar

TownGreen hosted its second workshop/webinar in the series focusing on the Good Harbor Beach ecosystem: Protecting and Preserving the Good Harbor Beach Ecosystem for Current and Future Generations, on Wednesday, November 30th from 6:30-8:30pm on Zoom. The webinar, “Adaptation: Is it Possible?” addressed climate adaptation approaches and solutions. Participants heard from experts about the difference between hard infrastructure solutions and nature-based solutions, and discussed solutions that might work for Good Harbor.

Denton Crews of Friends of Good Harbor was joined by Barbara Warren, executive director of Salem Sound Coastwatch, to report on Good Harbor marsh adaptations and present coastal adaptation case studies. Harvard Graduate School of Design Professor and Director of the Office for Urbanization, Charles Waldheim, outlined both gray and green infrastructure adaptation solutions presented in the HGSD research study: The Case of Cape Ann: Adaptation Strategy and Precedents. Jayne Knott reviewed infrastructure issues in the built environment, specifically Thatcher Road. This was followed by Q&A with the speakers.

Participants learned about

  • Adaptation solutions for the Good Harbor Beach ecosystem
  • The difference between gray/hard infrastructure and nature-based solutions
  • Case studies highlighting other coastal areas that have implemented adaptation solutions

Climate Impacts to Downtown Gloucester Highlighted at TownGreen/GMF Symposium

Climate Impacts to Downtown Gloucester Highlighted at TownGreen/GMF Symposium

L to R: Maureen Aylward, Charles Waldheim, Antonio Riciti, Dick Prouty, Kevin Hively

Photo: Jerry Ackerman

Planning For Reality: Climate Change and Downtown Gloucester

TownGreen December and January Reminders

  • Wednesday, November 30th: Good Harbor Beach Adaptation Webinar Workshop
    6:30-8:30pm on Zoom
    The second workshop webinar in TownGreen’s Good Harbor Beach Series will be on Wednesday, November 30th from 6:30-8:30pm on Zoom. This event will focus on climate adaptation strategies and solutions. Register for this event here. The associated field trip will be on January 23rd, 2023.

  • Thursday, December 1st: Presentation by William Moomaw, “The major climate solution is growing in plain sight"
    5:00pm at the Annisquam Village Church in Gloucester, MA and on Zoom

    (Go to this Zoom link)
    Bill Moomaw will examine the potential for alternative means for managing the world's forests, including our own in New England, that could have a major influence on halting the rise in temperature and eventually reversing it. He is Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, and is Distinguished Visiting Scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center. Bill was a lead author of five Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports including the 2007 report that shared the Nobel Peace Prize. Annisquam Village Church offers this program in collaboration with Woodwell Climate Research Center, Sawyer Free Library, Annisquam Village Library, Cape Ann Climate Coalition, and North Shore Sustainability Network.

  • Tuesday, December 6th: TownGreen Open Forum
    7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom

    TownGreen’s Open Forum will provide a summary of ongoing projects and news and allows the public to ask questions and participate in discussions regarding climate change impacts and strategies on Cape Ann. Zoom invitation is sent to the TownGreen email list.

  • Wednesday, December 14th: Cape Ann Climate Coalition Evening with Bruce Tarr
    4:00-5:00pm on Zoom

    The Cape Ann Coalition will present An Evening with State Senator Bruce Tarr to inform Cape Ann residents about the Massachusetts climate and funding bills that were passed by the state legislature in 2022, as well as ask Sen. Tarr about other climate issues of interest to Cape Ann. Dick Prouty and Valerie Nelson will co-moderate the session. There will be a Q&A session for audience participation.

  • Thursday, January 5th: City of Gloucester Planning Board meeting: Floodplain Zoning changes
    Check the City of Gloucester webpage for details.
    This Planning Board meeting in January will address floodplain zoning issues in Gloucester.

  • Monday, January 23rd: Good Harbor Beach Field Trip

    Another field trip to the Good Harbor Beach during an astronomical high tide with an expert guide will allow participants to see areas in the ecosystem that are in need of adaptation solutions.

Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester MA