Grades 9-10 Curriculum
Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Solutions
Students will study the scientific underpinnings of climate change allowing them to become better stewards of their environment. Lessons include the why of climate change, the effects of climate change on various ecosystems, and current solutions both at a global and local levels.
This curriculum integrates concepts from the earth, life, and physical sciences, as well as current data on climate systems. Lesson plans include a both teacher-centered and student-centered activities. Underlying these activities is a philosophy of learning by inquiry as well as supporting claims with sound evidence.
Lesson Overview (pdf file, 198KB)
Overview of 9th Grade Climate Change Curriculum
Lesson 1 (pdf file, 246KB)
What is Climate? An introduction
Lesson 2 (pdf file, 245KB)
Abiotic (physical) factors that affect Climate
Lesson 3 (pdf file, 246KB)
Solar Energy & Greenhouse Gases
Lesson 4 (pdf file, 250KB)
Lesson 5 (pdf file, 418KB)
Cellular Respiration
Lesson 6 (pdf file, 269KB)
Nonrenewable and Renewable Energy
Lesson 7 (pdf file, 241KB)
Causes of Rapid Climate Change
Lesson 8 (pdf file, 262KB)
Effects of Rapid Climate Change
Lesson 9 (pdf file, 258KB)
Relationship of Cause / Effect of Rapid Climate Change
Lesson 10 (pdf file, 275KB)
Global Solutions to Climate Change
Lesson 11 (pdf file, 204KB)
Individual and Community Solutions