Welcome to our second Cape Ann Climate Coalition newsletter. While we are all working to stay healthy and helping others over this difficult time, we need to remember the challenges of our warming climate continue and unfortunately are increasing daily. If you can, D.O.T. for the environment We are hoping that you and your loved ones are doing well and welcome your feedback or input on the work we are doing.
Read MoreWhen you see the complexity of the Massachusetts Legislative process it is easy to see why most legislation takes 3 sessions or six years to go from idea to passed legislation. A Mass State legislative session lasts for two years. The current session began in Jan 2019 and ends July 31st 2020.
Read MoreThe future of Cape Ann will be shaped, in large part, by the effects of climate change and how we respond to its challenges. These effects will reach well beyond sea-level rise, ultimately affecting transportation, public services, housing, and the economic health of our communities.
Read MoreOn Thursday, May 28 at 3PM, Larry Chretien, Executive Director of the Green Energy Consumers Alliance, joined us to discuss how his organization covers both policy advocacy at the state house and launches green energy programs aimed at the community and individual level. Mr. Chretien addressed his lobbying work, diversity, equity and inclusion in climate work, the Drive Green program, and his work on municipal aggregation.
Read MoreKen Kimmell, President of the Union of Concerned Scientists, joined us for our first Climate Crisis Solutions Webinar Series. Mr. Kimmell spoke on the theme of “Lessons from the Covid Crisis for the Climate Crisis.” The 25-minute presentation was followed by questions from the Zoom audience, and a final wrap up by the moderator, Dick Prouty, and panelist, Candace Wheeler.
Read MoreTownGreen2025 announces a series of four webinars by noted experts on topics relating to climate change. The kickoff webinar will be held on Thursday, May 21, at 3PM, in an hour-long program featuring Ken Kimmell, President of the Union of Concerned Scientists. Mr. Kimmell will speak on the theme of “Lessons from the Covid Crisis for the Climate Crisis.” The 25-minute presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions from the Zoom audience, and a final wrap up by the moderator, Dick Prouty, and panelist, Candace Wheeler.
Read MoreWelcome to our first monthly Cape Ann Climate Coalition newsletter. We hope these will keep us in touch with each other and help us keep "walking the Climate Walk". Most Coalition Action groups are continuing their work during COVID-19 using Zoom video conferencing, and their progress is reported below.
Read MoreLetter to the Editor of the Gloucester Times, April 2, 2020, from Marcia F Hart RN, Member of the Cape Ann Climate Coalition
Read MoreBig Roof Solar Campaign. Help your business or nonprofit go solar!
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