
Column: The Gloucester Solar Challenge

Column: The Gloucester Solar Challenge

The Gloucester Solar Challenge has just completed its first month and we have been astounded at the response. The message of reducing money spent on your electricity while reducing greenhouse gases, has been heard. We are encouraged by the number of homeowners who are acting now, because the feedback from our state legislature has not been hopeful for expanding solar incentives, and the Federal 30% tax credit is scheduled to end 12/16.

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Column: Finding help to 'go solar'

Column: Finding help to 'go solar'

Many of us have been reading about or getting numerous phone calls and emails about the benefits of “going solar.” Climate change is happening at an alarming rate, and we all want to save money on our electric bill. But understanding the complexities of installation and financial issues can be a challenging endeavor. Luckily when my family decided to take this step, a smart and knowledgeable friend had done the research, and we followed in his footsteps. For more than a year now we have learned a lot while generating green electricity, and saving money. Many other TownGreen 2025 members also have been generating their own green electricity and we would like to share our collective experiences and knowledge with others through the Gloucester Solar Challenge, sponsored by TownGreen2025.

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