
News and views on our carbon neutral future

Renewable Energy and Cooperatives: Lanesville's Past, Present and Future

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Dick Prouty, Lanesville resident, will give a talk on renewable alternatives, including neighborhood solar "farms", and how they could be structured as a cooperative. Various models will be discussed from other communities and links will be made by LCC members to the strong cooperative history in Lanesville. Dick Prouty is Co-Chair of TownGreen2025, which is dedicated to bringing Gloucester's carbon footprint as low as possible over the next decade. Valerie Nelson, organizer

Posted by Dick Prouty

Dick Prouty

Dick Prouty was the Executive Director of Project Adventure(PA), an international non-profit based in Beverly, MA, for thirty four years, until he recently retired in the winter of 2015. Under Dick’s leadership, PA, whose mission is to advance active learning, has become one of the leading institutions in the experiential education field and is responsible for 500,000 new students per year being introduced to adventure based education classes in physical education, health, fitness, counseling, and in academic classes with integrated experiential learning. Curricula development, training and consulting, publishing books and digital media, leadership development, and organizing and leading learning communities are among the core competencies he has developed over his time at PA.

Dick and his wife, Doris, have lived in Lanesville, Gloucester for the last 43 years, and raised two children, Ila and Seth. He has come to deeply appreciate the special place that is Cape Ann. Along with Co-Chair Candace Wheeler, and a growing number of volunteers of TownGreen2025, Dick is now focused on developing a plan to have Gloucester and Cape Ann make a difference in addressing the threat of climate change.

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